
Family chiropractors serving the Longmont community 

Heartburn Treatment Options In Longmont, CO 

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD / Acid Reflux Disease), is becoming more and more prevalent throughout the world, especially among middle-aged and the older segment of the population. However, even kids are developing GERD signs and symptoms at an alarming rate. Ignoring GERD symptoms or failing to eliminate the cause, can lead to ulcers and esophageal cancer.

While diet, smoking, stress, caffeine intake, and certain drugs all contribute to GERD, recent studies suggest that lumbar kyphosis – or the abnormal curvature of the spine – combined with back muscle weakness, can have a “significant effect” on the presence of the disease. Furthermore, increased thoracic–mid back- curvature called hyper-kyphosis has also been found to cause and / or contribute to the signs and symptoms of GERD. 

Kyphosis increases the pressure placed on the stomach and esophageal system; in some cases the pressure is so severe, it will cause a displacement of the stomach downward leading to a condition known as hiatal hernia. Through gentle tissue manipulation, the Doctors at New Leaf Chiropractic can pull the stomach back below the diaphragm where it belongs, allowing the esophageal sphincter to remain closed.

Spinal adjustments to reconnect the nerve supply to the stomach and spine can also help heal damage done to the esophagus and stomach. Studies have even shown that patients who received chiropractic care for their stomach ulcers healed faster than those who didn’t.

Furthermore, the altered spinal-posture alignment will cause inhibition of the stomach-gastric muscle reflex activity that is critically important for digestion and transportation of food from the stomach to the intestines.

Second is a neurological effect. Even moderate spinal misalignments will put unnecessary and often detrimental amounts of pressure on the delicate nerves coming out of the spine. Since the nervous system is responsible for EVERY function of the human body, including the function of our vital organs, it should be apparent that altered and inhibited nerve activity – as a result of poor posture– can also lead to disturbances of stomach function. Chiropractors call altered nerve function from altered spinal alignment “Subluxation”.

Subluxations can diminish the amount of vital nerve energy reaching the organs, including the stomach. If left untreated, the stomach and digestive tract will go into a state of dysfunction, and eventually disease. Many heartburn and GERD sufferers under chiropractic care have reported significant reduction in their symptoms. That’s because realigning the spine back to its healthy shape and strengthening the back muscles reduces the mechanical pressure on the internal organs and allows nerve energy to flow freely throughout the body; therefore restoring normal function to the stomach and other vital organs.

No matter how many bland diets you go on, lifestyle changes you make, or proton pump inhibitors you take, the source of the disease and dysfunction may not necessarily go away, unless your spinal misalignments are addressed and corrected. If you or a loved one is suffering with GERD / Acid Reflux Disease call us at 303-776-6767 to get help


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600 S. Airport Rd. Bldg C Ste C
Longmont, CO 80503

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Open Hours

Monday: 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. 
Tuesday: 8 a.m. –  12 p.m. & 2 – 6 p.m. 
Wednesday: 8 a.m.  – 12 p.m. & 1 – 6 p.m. 
Thursday: 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. 
Friday: 8 a.m. – 1 p.m.